Sunshine Group

Clare Booth Luce stated that “Love is a Verb” and the Sunshine group is making it a very active verb.

In 1981 when Pat Frakes became the first president of the St. Benedict’s Women’s club, the Sunshine Group was formed.  In the spirit of service to one another it has grown over 30 years and it continues to grow.

One outstanding service this group provides is organizing funeral lunches. Whenever a family has a funeral, it is their option if they want to have a meal prepared at McGuire Hall, or have it delivered to the home or to the Family Center at the cemeteries.

The new generation of this group has expanded to include anyone, male or female, in the Parish who would like to donate time and talent to bake, and cook for the parish and also to give their much needed talents in setting up meals and serving them. With the 2010 Stewardship renewal, there are currently 146 women and men who have volunteered their time and talents to this group.

In addition to funeral meals, the group also provides meals for families with new babies, for someone who has just gotten out of the hospital, or is dealing with a long term illness, or any other situation where a meal would come in handy. There is never a charge for the provided meals.

We do not need participants to contribute for every event. We rotate our requests so that everyone has an opportunity to offer their help.  Even those who do not enjoy cooking can participate in other services the group offers like First Monday kitchen cleanup at McGuire hall, or deliver a meal to a family or take someone to a doctor’s appointment. We are also considering offering a service to help clean the homes of parishioners in need.

If you know of someone who would benefit from the group’s help, please let us know.

If you would like to participate in this group, please call Kathy Patrick at 918-760-6751 or sign up at the parish office.
“Do not neglect hospitality, for through it some have unknowingly entertained angels” Hebrews 13 : 2

Church of Saint Benedict

2200 W Ithica St, Broken Arrow, OK 74012
(918) 455-4451