Natural Family Planning
Natural Family Planning (NFP) provides married couples a method of achieving or postponing a pregnancy. NFP gives Catholic couples a realistic alternative to the prevalence of contraceptives. Understood and accepted by the Church, Natural Family Planning makes use of a woman's natural signs of fertility. Classes are available to teach the couples how to observe and chart the woman's cycles.
As a method of family planning, NFP
- Calls for mutual responsibility by husband and wife
- Requires the couple to communicate
- Is based on scientific research
- Treats each menstrual cycle as unique and teaches a couple to observe their signs of fertility on a day-to-day bases
- Has no harmful side effects
- Is effective for those wanting to achieve or avoid pregnancy
- Can be used in special circumstances--such as, post-partum, during breastfeeding, and premenopause
- Is virtually cost free!
Volunteers are always needed to promote, teach and support couples in NFP in conjunction with the teachings of the Catholic Church. Please contact Dan or Julianne O'Brien at 918-279-8610 if you are interested.
More information at the Couple to Couple League web site