Liturgical Ministries
Their dedicated participation greatly enhances the reverent celebration of the Mass. Serving on one or more of these ministries is an excellent way to give generously of one's time and talent to the parish. Parishioners willing to serve as a liturgical minister are invited to attend one of the Ministry Workshops, which are held periodically and are advertised in the bulletin.
Liturgical Ministries include:
Hospitality/Usher - Greet people as they arrive and help seat them. Ushers also collect gifts, help make the communion orderly, straighten the church for the next Mass and hand out bulletins
Lectors - Give the first two readings.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion - Assist in Communion.
Sacristans - Prepare the altar for the next Mass.
Altar Servers - Young folks assisting the celebration of the Mass.