Becoming Catholic
Come and See
John 1:39

Welcome! “Becoming Catholic” is Church of Saint Benedict’s OCIA. OCIA is an acronym for the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, what used to be called RCIA.
It is a process of spiritual formation through which a person is fully incorporated in the Body of Christ and becomes a member of the Catholic Church by receiving the sacraments of initiation – Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. The entire process is intended to invite adults and children of catechetical age to progressive conversion and a deeper relationship with God and the Church.
Join us every Tuesday night from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM to learn and understand more about different topics related to the Catholic Church and its faith, to pray, to be part of a parish community, to serve others who are in need, and to worship. We meet in Room 101 (St. Thomas Aquinas Room).
Who is Becoming Catholic for?
- A person who has never been baptized and is thinking about becoming Catholic.
- A person who has been baptized in another Christian faith and desires to become Catholic.
- A person who is a baptized Catholic but has not received any further religious formation and who would like to prepare to celebrate the sacraments of Penance, Eucharist or Confirmation.
- A person who does not intend to join the Catholic Church but would like to know what Catholics believe.
- A person who is fully initiated Catholic, but would like to learn more about our Catholic Faith.
- A person who would like to be a faith companion to a non-Catholic exploring our Catholic Faith.
There is a tremendous opportunity for individuals to become sponsors for those who are becoming Catholic. The experience has proven to be incredibly spiritual. Not only is there a special bond between a candidate and a sponsor but sponsors find they learn a lot about their own faith.
Frequently Asked Questions about Becoming Catholic
Suppose I might want to become Catholic, how do I go about doing this?
If you think you might want to become Catholic, we invite you to join with others like yourself to inquire into what “being Catholic” is all about: who we are, what we believe, how we live as disciples of Jesus, how we pray, and serve others.
What does this process entail?
The entire process is intended to invite adults and children over the age of seven to progressive conversion and a deeper relationship with God and the Church. This journey of faith involves learning about the teachings of Jesus, living as part of the faith community, praying, and serving others.
How long does it take to become Catholic?
Becoming Catholic is a life-long commitment. It requires prayer, discernment, and preparation to take this step. An unbaptized person will journey with the Catholic community for one full liturgical year as they prepare to celebrate the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist) at the Easter Vigil celebration.
What if I am already baptized?
The journey of someone baptized in another Christian faith may vary according to their individual needs as they strive to deepen their relationship with Jesus. A baptized Christian prepares to be received into full communion with the Catholic Church by making a profession of faith and celebrating the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist.
Where should I go to begin this journey?
Contact the Adult Formation Director of the parish at or 918-455-4451 ext. 223 and let her know that you are interested in finding out more about the Catholic Faith. Our informal Inquiry sessions are on the First and Third Tuesday of the month.