Parish Staff

Here you will find all of the key contact people who fill staff support roles in our parish. Phone numbers and e-mail addresses for individual staff members not published here can be found in the weekly church bulletin or you can make contact with staff by calling the parish office. Those with email have email links on their names – others can be reached through the parish office.

The Ministry Directors below can be contacted through the parish or for those who have an email address.
PastorFr. Bryan Brooks
Associate PastorFr. Gabriel Garcia
DeaconDave Johnson
DeaconGary Beam
DeaconDick Berberet
DeaconDanny Brennan
ReceptionistKaren McCollum
BookkeeperTerri Buynak
Communications DirectorKatie Buynak
Coordinator for Religions Education for ChildrenLisa Remmert
Director for Education for AdultsViviana Suarez
Youth DirectorDeb Malcom
Sacramental Records/Ministry SupportTeresa Sweedyk
Director of Saint Benedict’s PreschoolDiana Phillips
Parish NurseJeanne Draughon RN BSN
Director of MusicJoe Fincher