Women’s Club of Saint Benedict

Who are we?

This group is made up of women of the parish. We meet on the second Monday of the month at 6:30 PM in the parish hall for fellowship, growth in faith, and service. The group organizes the annual parish picnic, and other activities as decided by the members.

What is our goal?

This year, we hope our meetings are full of fellowship as well as being informative. We are planning a year full of fun for all. Please come out at least once to see what it’s all about. We will also be serving the parish through family activities, social events, and fundraising.

Women of Saint Benedict Committees

“We are called to Service to care for each other.”

Take a look at some of our committees and see if you are called to help serve.

  • Parish Activities: Volunteers will be coordinated by the Women of Saint Benedict and help serve at events to raise funds for the parish and community. These events will include parish dances, parish picnics, garage sales, Breakfast with Santa, and our annual Chili Cook-Off.
  • Membership: Keeping track of members and publishing a directory.
  • Hospitality: Hostess for the monthly meetings.
  • Ways & Means: Keeping track of the fundraisers for the club.