Sunshine Group
In 1981, the Sunshine Group was formed. The mission of the Sunshine Group is to offer comfort, support and fellowship by providing a luncheon for those attending a funeral. The famous American author, Clare Booth Luce, stated that “Love is a Verb” and the Sunshine group is making it a very active verb.
Whenever a family has a funeral, it is their option to have a luncheon provided at the Church of Saint Benedict, delivered to the Family Center at the cemetery or at a family home. The Sunshine Group will organize, prepare and serve the funeral meal at the church.
The Sunshine Group includes anyone (men and women) who would like to donate their time and talent to cook something for the funeral luncheon or help with setup and serving the meal. In addition to funeral meals, our group also helps with some of the parish events, such as church picnics, etc. You do not need to contribute for every event and as always, your contribution is greatly appreciated.
If you would like to participate in this group, please call Cathey Sullivan at 918-607-8845 or sign up at the parish office.
“Do not neglect hospitality, for through it some have unknowingly entertained angels”
-Hebrews 13 : 2