Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
“Through their joy, their wonder and awe, their capacity for love and prayer, and their radical simplicity, the children offer adults a glimpse into what it means to fall in love with God”

What is Catechesis of the Good Shepherd?

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) is based upon the two pillars of Sacred Scripture and Sacred Liturgy, as well as on the Montessori principles of human development and respect for the dignity of every soul.

Specifically focused on meeting the needs of the youngest in the Kingdom of God, CGS was created in Rome in 1954 by Catholic Hebrew Scholar Sofia Cavaletti, in collaboration with Gianna Gobbi, a Catholic Montessori educator. For 25 years, these two women developed this world renowned approach to helping children encounter Christ!
Today, this method has grown and spread to over 65 countries and it is the approved preferred approach to formation for many dioceses and religious orders, such as the Missionaries of Charity, the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecelia, and more.

What is the Atrium?
Children in CGS receive formation in a specifically prepared environment called an Atrium (plural: Atria). The Atrium is a sacred, “hands on” retreat-like space where catechists and children hear, ponder, pray, and celebrate most essential mysteries of our faith as revealed in Sacred Scripture and Liturgy.

Each CGS catechist has received a minimum of 100 hours of formation and specific training in the methodology. Materials are prepared by the catechists to meet the needs of the child’s inherent longing for a relationship with God and to help them enter more deeply into that relationship. The materials are designed to inform and foster curiosity about their Catholic faith and God’s wonderful salvific plan.
What is a typical session like?
Presentation + Work + Prayer
Each session consists of a presentation of new material, work time, and prayer. Presentations include Biblical geography, liturgy, the Nativity narratives, parables, the Resurrection Story, Pentecost, and practical life lessons. The presentations are selected to coincide with the Church Liturgical year.

After the presentations, the children may choose which materials they would like to work with during their work time. The children are given time for repetition and contemplation.
Children are taught a sense of reverence for the Atrium and for the items it contains. The expected behavior in the Atrium is peaceful and respectful, similar to what is expected at Mass. In our busy, noisy world, many children find refuge in the quieter atmosphere of the Atrium.

A visit to an Atrium would be a good way for adults to understand and appreciate the experience of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.
Please watch the following video to learn more about CGS:
Presently, the Church of Saint Benedict offers Level I of this hands-on, experiential learning program for all of our Pre-K and Kindergarten students in our Faith Formation Program. We currently collaborate with St. Anne parish for Level II as we work to build additional Atria. Our goal is to eventually provide this rich and beautiful method for all CGS levels through age 12!

To schedule a visit to an Atrium at Saint Benedict, to enroll your child in CGS, or for more information, please contact Lisa Remmert at or call (918) 455-4451 x226.