Message from our Pastor
Pastor’s Message – Church of Saint Benedict
Brothers and Sisters,
This Sunday’s Gospel recounts the Wedding Feast at Cana (John 2:1–11), where Jesus transforms water into wine—the first of His “Seven Signs” in John’s Gospel. It also records Mary’s final words in the New Testament: “Do whatever He tells you.”
This passage is more than a miraculous story. It reveals the deeper meaning of the Incarnation—the Word of God becoming flesh for our salvation—and highlights Mary’s vital role as the Mother of Jesus.
In Scripture, wine symbolizes joy, friendship, celebration, and God’s blessing. The Psalms describe Israel as a vineyard planted and protected by God. When Mary says, “They have no more wine,” it reflects more than a practical dilemma. It sums up humanity’s condition: a world drained of joy, grace, and blessing, broken by sin and fear. This problem requires more than a miracle; it requires redemption.
God’s answer is the Incarnation. Through Jesus, God restores humanity to grace, blessing, and life. This restoration culminates in Jesus’ Passion, Cross, and Resurrection.
Mary’s instruction, “Do whatever He tells you,” echoes the Old Testament prophets’ calls to faithfulness but now gains new depth. Through Jesus, we are invited into a new life where the “wine” of grace, joy, and mercy overflows, especially in the Eucharist. Mary’s words remind us of her role as Mother, Intercessor, and Queen of Heaven, guiding us to her Son and to a humanity restored by His sacrifice.
Our Parish
- Baptisms: Congratulations to the Wyatt and Truskett families as they present their children for baptism this weekend.
- Youth Retreat: Please pray for the participants of the TYME Team Youth Retreat happening at the parish this weekend.
- Kitchen Project: The new wastewater line installation for McGuire Hall’s kitchen is nearly finished. Thank you for your patience during this process, which involved taking the kitchen offline and trench work near the church entrance.
Vianney Night
Every Thursday in January, our parish hosts Vianney Night, named after St. John Vianney and sponsored by the Diocese Vocations Office. It includes a Holy Hour of Adoration to pray for those discerning vocations to marriage, priesthood, diaconate, religious life, and consecrated life. Open to all. For more information, contact Fr. Duy Nguyen at
Sabbatical Presentation & Potluck Dinner
Join us for a parish presentation on my pastoral sabbatical from Summer 2024. It will take place Tuesday, January 28, in McGuire Hall, from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM, beginning with a potluck dinner.
Dish Assignments:
- A–H: Meat or casserole
- I–O: Vegetable or pasta dish
- P–T: Salad or fruit
- U–Z: Dessert
All are welcome to share in the meal and presentation.
That Man Is You (TMIY)
Our parish men’s ministry, TMIY, resumes Wednesday, January 29. All men are invited to join these weekly gatherings every Wednesday from 6:00 AM to 7:15 AM.
Pilgrimage Statue of Our Lady of the Cape
As part of the Jubilee Year of Hope, our parish will host a traveling devotional statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary on the weekend of February 8–9. Parishioners will have the opportunity to write prayer intentions, which will be taken to Rome in May.
Sacrament of Confirmation
Bishop Konderla will celebrate Confirmation during the 5:00 PM Vigil Mass on Saturday, February 15. Over 80 children and youth will receive the sacrament. If you typically attend this Mass, please expect a full church. Keep the confirmandi and their sponsors in your prayers.
God bless and keep you safe.
Fr. Bryan